
美 国 采 购 协 会 & 美 国 认 证 协 会
American Purchasing Society
&American Certification Institute

姓名(Name):______________________ 出生日期(Birth Date): ______________________
家庭住址(Home Address): ___________________________________________________
城市(City): ____________________________
目前工作单位(Present company Affiliation or Employment): __________________________
职务(Title): ____________________________
工作单位地址.(Business Address): ______________________________________________
城市(City): ____________________________
办公电话(Business Tel):___________________ 住宅电话(Home Tel):___________________
电子邮件地址(E-Mail): _____________________
国籍(Citizen of):_________________________
工作类型(Type of Business):_________________

□ 维持资格申请人员(回答问题1.提供问题1、2、3、9、10、12、13、14、16、17更新材料)
Update (Answer Queston 1. Send new or revised information on questions 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 17)
□ 终身专业采购人员(您必须在50岁以上)
Lifetime (you must be at least age 50 to qualify) 
Answer the following questions. Where necessary, submit the requested information on a separate sheet with your application. Make certain all information is accurate and complete. Please write regular script.
1. 你是否曾被判有罪?请回答是或否。
Have you ever been convicted of any crime or felony? Answer yes or no.

2. 请列出你曾就读的学校,并注明你的最高学历。请给出开始和毕业的时间,获得过的学历,课程专业范围和课时(如果知道的话)。请提交你参加研修以及获得的学历和学位的证明文件。请给出你曾参加过的其它课程或研究会。必要的话,请单附一页回答此问题。如果单附一页回答本问题,请在下面空白处说明。
Please submit a list of school you have attended, indicating your highest grade completed, if you graduated, dates attended, degree or degrees you earned, areas of or courses of specialty, and your standing in the class if known, Submit confirmation of your attendance and diploma or degree earned. List any other or additional courses or seminars you have taken. Use a separate sheet if necessary, but indicate here if you are doing so. 

3. 请提交一份完整的个人简历或职业经历。给出充分详实的,能够显示和衡量你所取得的成绩、管理能力和工作情况的信息。请确认不要遗漏雇佣日期、你的正式职务、你顶头上司的名称和职务。给出在你不同岗位上,你所管理的人员(如果有的话)的数目。
Please submit a complete resume or history of your employment giving sufficient detail to indicate or measure your progress, managerial ability, and business exposure. Be sure to give dates of employment, your offcial title, and name and title of your immediate supervisor. Indicate the number of people you supervised in each position, if any. 

4. (A)你是否曾经破产?(B)你是否认为自己在财务问题上,对公对私,都很负责任?(C)如果你将获得了一个银行总裁的位置,你会出示何种证据来举例证明你在财务问题上值得信任?(中华人民共和国国籍申请人请回答问题B)
Have you ever declared bankruptcy? Do you belive you are financially responsible in both your business and personal affairs? If you were taking a job as president of a bank, what evidence could you show as examples of your financial trustworthiness? 

5. 请提供你三位朋友(非生意关系)的姓名、现住址(请给出邮编),现在的电话号码和职业。
Submit a list of three personal friends (non-business), giving name, current address(including zip code), current telephone number, and occupation. 

6. 请提供三位或三位以上同事的姓名、住址(请给出邮编)、电话号码和职业。
Submit a list of three or more fellow workers as references, giving name, address(including zip code), telephone number, and occupation. 

7. 请提供三个到六个你个人曾经使用过的、为你的雇主提供过服务的供应商。请给出他们的姓名、现地址(请给出邮编)、现在的电话号码和你主要联系人的姓名、职务。我们可能会向这些联系人征询他们对你职业道德方面的评价。如果你未曾做过任何实质性的采购工作,请在此注明。
Submit three six companies you have personally used as suppliers for your employer. Give the name of each supplier, the current address(including zip code), the current telephone number, and the name and title of your principal contact. These contacts may be asked to comment on your business ethics. If you have not done any buying, please so state. 

8. 你在采购专业方面是否有专长的领域?比如,你专长的领域可能会是谈判,或是在某一特别的产品领域,或是管理。如果有,请在此注明。
Do you have any area of Purchasing specialty? For example, your specialty may be in negotiating, or in a particular product area, or in administration. If these or any other area, what is it? 

9. 在采购方面,你是否曾经发表过文章或出版过专著?请给出名称和发表出版地。Have you ever written any articles, letters, or books on purchasing for publication? Give title and where appeared. 

10. 请列出你认为一个合格采购员或采购管理人员所应具备的条件。
List the subjects which you feel are necessary for a well qualified buyer or purchasing Executive. 

11. 如果有,请给出你曾读过的采购方面的书籍和期刊。
List some of the purchasing books and periodicals you have read, if any. 

12. 你是否加入了任何专业组织和社团?它们是?
Do you belong to any professional organizations and cubs? What are they? 

13. 正常工作之外,你是否参与其它活动?比如:公共服务、慈善事业、俱乐部或协会工作等。请详细说明。
Do you have any other activities in addition to your regular employment? For example, public service, charties, club or association work, etc. please specify. 

14. 你为什么申请认证?
Why are you applying for certification? 

15. 如果通过了认证,你是否将支持美国采购协会和其认证工作?如何支持?
If certified, will you support the American purchasing society and its certification program? In what way? 

16. 如果你已经通过了认证,而申请维持资格,请给出你最初认证和最后更新的时间。
If already certified and applying for an update give date of initial certification and date of last renewal. 

Submit comments or explain any entry above deemed necessary for clarification. Submit any other data you feel pertinent.
